Waste Heat Recovery Systems

Waste Heat Recovery System Manufacturers in Pune, Suppliers and Exporters in Pune, India

We are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters of Waste Heat Recovery System in Pune, Maharashtra, Coimbatore, Telangana, Mumbai, Aurangabad, Nashik, Kolhapur, Karnataka, Belgaum, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Chennai In India.

Mahalaxmi Engineering Projects have considerable expertise as the leading business in India in providing tailored and tailor-made Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS) and Waste Heat Recovery based Power Plants (WHRPP) for Energy Intensive Processes in order to improve energy reutilization and reduce overall energy costs of process plants.

We have designed, engineered and installed Waste Heat Recovery Systems for a wide range of heat sources, including Gas Turbine exhaust, IC Engine exhaust, Incinerator exhaust, Glass Furnace exhaust, Cement Plant Kiln and Clinker Cooler exhaust and others, in both Indian and international locations. In every scenario, our team draws on its extensive knowledge and robust engineering approach to provide customised solutions for our clients' demands, with the goal of optimising output and cost.

Waste Heat Sources for Turnkey Waste Heat Driven Power Plants and Waste Heat Recovery Systems for Energy-Intensive Processes:

Gas Turbine Exhaust Engine Glass furnaces with exhaust Cement kiln exhaust, Hot Gases Exhaust, Lime Kiln Exhaust, Furnace Exhaust, Incinerator Exhaust Process.

Key Advantages and Benefits of Waste Heat Recovery Systems in Pune, India

  • Energy Cost Savings: Reduces primary fuel consumption and lowers energy bills.
  • Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Lowers greenhouse gas emissions by improving energy efficiency.
  • Ehnanced Equipment Longevity: Reduces thermal stress on equipment, potentially extending machinery lifespan.
  • Improved Process Control: Provides stable temperatures and better control over industrial processes, leading to improved product quality.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Can be integrated with minimal disruption to existing industrial processes.
  • Compliance with Environmental Regulations: Helps industries meet stringent environmental requirements.
  • Corporate Image and Social Responsibility: Enhances corporate image by demonstrating commitment to environmental stewardship and boosts stakeholder confidence.

Also we are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters of Bag Filter System, Tube Axial Fan in Pune, Maharashtra, Coimbatore, Telangana, Mumbai, Aurangabad, Nashik, Kolhapur, Karnataka, Belgaum, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Chennai, In India.

Heat Condensate Flash Steam:

We provides a number of alternatives for transforming waste heat into useable types of energy. Among these alternatives are:

  • The steam-based Rankine cycle is used to generate electricity.
  • The Organic Rankine cycle is used to generate electricity.
  • Production of steam for process use.
  • Thermic fluid heating for process applications.
  • Hot exhaust gases are used directly to reduce fuel usage.
  • Preheating the combustion air to save fuel usage.
  • Heat boiler feed water to reduce fuel use.
  • Production of hot water for process use.


Refrigeration from 0 to 55 degrees Celsius for ice production and cold storage.

Applications of Waste Heat Recovery Systems in Pune, India:

We provide the following techno-economically viable applications of Waste Heat Driven Power Plants and WHRS for Energy Intensive Processes:

  • Cement Plants WHRS.
  • The WHRS on the Gas Turbine.
  • Steel Plants WHRS.
  • Glass Plants WHRS.
  • Ceramic Plants WHRS.
  • Aluminium Industry WHRS.
  • Chemical process industry WHRS.
  • WHRS for waste incineration Plants.
  • WHRPP on Exhaust Gases from Engines.

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